Thursday, March 4, 2010

Under Construction

Pardon Me...........................................While I update this website....
Good things are coming.........................SOON

When a snack becomes an addiction

" Crack Bunnies"

These little delights should be labeled with a "Controlled Substance" Marker from the Food and Drug Administration. I started with a small bowl to snack on this evening while enjoying my coffee and somehow..

1/2 turned into 1 cup and 1cup turned into 3... I swear, I need Annie Cocoa Bunnie rehab right NOW!

Crunchy, Chocolately, Rich and Delish
Somehow while munching on these my mind got to wandering and I envisioned a bowl of vanilla ice-cream with these little crack bunnies all laying on top..
" I guess I have a sick sense of humor when it comes to food"