Superbowl Confusion

I woke up with a slight "superbowl snack-over".. Last night we over indulged in some of my most favorite snacks.. We had pizza, doritos (those florescent colored snacking chips we all love)
cheddar cheese rice cakes and spice cake...mmmmmm
And got to partake in a rather large football victory which kept my husbands "grumpiness" at bay. (he's a huge Saint's fan).. This may be my first year actually getting into the riga-maroll of the superbowl. Most years you may find me on the couch, with a book or gossip weekly magazine just snacking and waiting earnestly for the over-rated commercials..
Good snacks+Us Weekly+High Priced Advertising= A good time
However, for some most bizarre reason I found one common theme to this years highly anticipated ad space was a consistent theme of "men in their underwear".. I am a little appalled by this since the idea of seeing "men in briefs" in more than a half dozen commercials is not my idea of a good time.. And I am a bit confused by it... I guess you know the economy has put even limitations on multi-billion dollar companies ad space when you see they have clearly swapped a "Star power commercial for ordinary man-isms"
Man in underwear, Man drinks beer, Man likes woman and beer, Man drives fast car,
Man wants to be buried alive in doritios, Man runs through african wilderness in underwear to get coke from a snake infested refridgerator...
Very Very Intresting.. I spent nearly my entire evening trying to make sense of these,,
Please , Please , Please executive marketing directors give us some "Star Power" next year...