Hubby called and needed to take a 2 hr ride away to deliver some important business papers for work so he asked for a co-pilot..
I was all game as long as the trip included a stop at a coffee shop to get an espresso! So after googling the area
Elkhart, Indiana I found a list of coffee shops to choose from. I was a total dork-o when I called all of them to assure that they did indeed make
Specialty Coffee Drinks. (Many times before I would arrive to a coffee shop and find that they had more baked goods than espresso choices)
The ride was pleasant but the little coffee shop on what appeared to be an old little road was even more FANTASTIC...
The Daily Grind .... with the OPEN sign fully lite to my suprise!

Outside of the coffee shop were some little butterflies and some highly creative writings.

Inside was a cozy and warm coffee shop with an adorable couch which nested some bulls-eye hippie pillows.

Twirling thinga-magiggies (shaped like flowers) hanging from the ceiling. A beautiful mural on the wall... I couldn't help but stand and look at it while the barista coated my English Toffee Mocha with fluffy whip cream.
Sweet barista, cozy place and a creamy ULTRA smooth iced mocha... This has to be my number 1 coffee shop in Indiana.. The Daily Grind you have my heart..